Spanish and Portuguese     Feb 12 2013 | 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM 262 Humanities Hall

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Presents: A FILM FORUM Session

in collaboration with the Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honors Society and
Spanish 160 and 219

Guillermo del Toro

The Devil's Backbone

Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro, has directed a large variety of films ranging
from comic book adaptations to historically based pieces. Two of his most
acclaimed films, Pan's Labyrinth and The Devil's Backbone, fall within the horror
film genre in which Guillermo del Toro has introduced significant modifications and
original insights.  Del Toro views the horror genre as inherently political: "Much like
fairy tales, there are two facets of horror. One is pro-institution, which is the most
reprehensible type of fairy tale: Don't wander into the woods, and always obey your
parents. The other type of fairy tale is completely anarchic and antiestablishment."
 The Devil´s Backbone (El espinazo del diablo) explores the ideological
implications of horror showing the force of the imagination to overcome repressive
structures of domination. The film features a superb cast with Federico Luppi,
Marisa Paredes, and Eduardo Noriega. It will be presented in the O.V. in Spanish
with English subtitles.

Discussion Panel after the film:
William Carr, Spanish and Port. UCI
Diego Fernández, Spanish and Port. UCI
Ana Palomar, Spanish and Port. UCI
Professor Jacobo Sefamí, Spanish and Port. UCI
Professor Gonzalo Navajas, Spanish and Port. UCI

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Humanities Hall, Room 262. 7:00 p.m. Admission is free

Refreshments will be provided
by the Sigma Delta Pi National Spanish Honors Society