The Humanities and Changing Conceptions of Work

 Classics     Dec 7 2012 | 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM Humanities Gateway 1010

Colloquium: Reflections on Work and Labor in Ancient Greece - The concepts of work and labor have undergone shift and transformation in meaning in various times and cultures. The ancient Greek world does not present a unified view upon what constitutes work and what does not, nor is there homogeneity of views in the way labor is constructed and valued in our sources. The purpose of this colloquium is to provoke our thinking and theoretical perspectives about the many roles and faces of ancient representations of work, in a span of several centuries,
starting from some of the earliest texts of archaic Greek literature, Hesiodic poetry, to classical times and Graeco-Roman Egypt.

Humanities and Changing Concepts of Work Flyer

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