Alt-Ac Workshop

 History     Nov 26 2012 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM KH 126

The Graduate Program Committee is hosting a workshop for students and their advisers to discuss career options beyond the academic tenure-track (often called "Alt-Ac").

I. Introduction: the upsides of Alt-Ac

II. Introduction of current students + alums with non-TT work experience (libraries, archives, museums, K-12, etc); facilitated Q&A

III. Sources of info on alt-ac jobs, or where to look for job leads that aren't posted on H-net (I plan to introduce a new webpage for the dept: a hub of links. If you have suggestions of sites we should include, please let me know)

IV. From academic CV to a professional resume, Christine Kelly, Career Center

V. Resume workshop. Breakout groups, with concrete feedback for those who submit a resume by Sunday 11/25 at noon.

Small group break out for those who submit resumes a day ahead of time.

Please visit for resume submission information.

Please address any questions or comments to Laura Mitchell: