Escenarios de la Sujeción Esclavista en la Cuba Colonial

 Spanish and Portuguese     Nov 19 2012 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Humanities Hall 344

A Public Lecture in Spanish by Agnes Lugo Ortiz

Agnes Lugo-Ortiz (Ph.D. Princeton) is associate professor of Latin American and Caribbean Literatures at the University of Chicago. She is the author of Identidades imaginadas: Biografía y nacionalidad en el horizonte de la guerra (Cuba, 1860-1898) (University of Puerto Rico Press, 1999) and co-editor of Herencia: The Anthology of US Hispanic Writing (Oxford UP, 2001), En otra voz: Antología de la Literatura Hispana de los Estados Unidos, and Recovering the US Hispanic Literary Heritage, volume V (both with Arte Público Press, 2002 and 2006 respectively), as well as of numerous essays on nineteenth- and twentieth -centuries on Latin American and Caribbean literatures. She is currently working on a book-length project on the visual culture of slavery in colonial Cuba (specifically from 1727 to 1886), underlining its transamerican and transatlantic connections. Akin to this endeavor, she has recently completed an edited volume entitled Slave Portraiture in the Atlantic World (which is to be published by Cambridge University Press in winter 2013).  

Presented by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of California, Irvine