Call for papers
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Names and contact info for the participants will appear here as we find out.

first last affiliation e-mail
Makeda Best   mdbest at concentric.net
Joanna Bouldin UCI jbouldin at uci.edu
Roberta Buiani   robb at YorkU.CA
James Cahill UCI jcahill at uci.edu
Irene Chien CMD jetset at teleport.com
Ulrik Christensen UCI ulrik at ics.uci.edu
Heidi Cooley UCI cooleyh at uci.edu
Tobey Crockett UCI tcrockett at earthlink.net
Adriana de Souza e Silva UCLA silvaad at ucla.edu
Derric Eady UCI deady at uci.edu
Michael Epstein MIT m_e at MIT.EDU
Anne Friedberg UCI afriedbe at uci.edu
Eva Friedberg UCI eva at evadesigns.com
Ray Guins UCI rguins at uci.edu
Tania Hammidi UCI tanianickola at hotmail.com
Brandon Herdrick UCI bherdric at uci.edu
Milree Hughes    
Natalie Jeremijenko Center for Advanced Technology  
David Khang UCI dkhang at uci.edu
Sonya Katyal Fordham skatyal at MAIL.LAWNET.FORDHAM.EDU
Norman Klein    
Antoinette LaFarge UCI alafarge at uci.edu
Akira Lippit UCI alippit at uci.edu
Daniel Loewus-Deitch UCI dloewusd at ics.uci.edu
Cristina Lopes UCI lopes at ics.uci.edu
Laura M. Dennis UCI ldennis at uci.edu
Monica Mak   monica.mak at mail.mcgill.ca
Indi McCarthy Beall Center indi at uci.edu
Celia Pearce UCI celiap at uci.edu
Simon Penny UCI penny at uci.edu
Natasa Petresin   petresin at mail.ljudmila.org
Natalie Phillips UCI nephilli at uci.edu
Cindy Poremba SimonFraserUniversity poremba at sfu.ca
Jeffrey Ridenour UCI jridenou at ics.uci.edu
Wendy Robinson   wgrobin at uc.edu
Denise Rogers UCI drogers at uci.edu
Chris Roncal UCI croncal at uci.edu
Heather Schatz Columbia hss15 at columbia.edu
Michael Shafae UCI mshafae at ics.uci.edu
Leslie Sharpe UCSD lsharpe at ucsd.edu
Rachel Thompson UCI rlthomps at uci.edu
Ana Viseu University of Toronto ana.viseu at utoronto.ca
Nicole Woods UCI woodsn at uci.edu
Bahar Zaker UCI bzaker at uci.edu