Faculty and Staff Resources
Graduate Student Database (GDB) Mentoring / Advising Degree Program Changes/Proposals
(sometimes this link works best in an incognito window in your web browser)
Graduate Student Portal (GSP)
Humanities GSR and Research Award Form
Academic Record Change Request Form
(use this form if the faculty did not submit a grade by the grade submission deadline and their is an "NR" on the student's transcript)
Foreign Language Requirement Form (FLR)
(This is an OGS DocuSign. Please email Geneva at lopezg@uci.edu if you experience technical difficulties with using the form)
SOH TA Quarter Deferral Request Form
(This is an OGS DocuSign. Please email Geneva at lopezg@uci.edu if you experience technical difficulties with using the form)
Graduate Division Filing Deadlines
Graduate Division DocuSign Student Forms
Humanities OGS Graduate Coordinator Guidebook
ASE Employment