Quarterly Approved Courses
Fall 2011
Winter 2012
Winter 2012
Spring 2012
Summer 2012
Dept / Crs No |
Session |
Title |
Instructor |
British Studies | |||
English 102C | II |
Anxiety of Inheritance | Castillo, L. |
English 103 | II |
Shakespeare | Lupton, J. |
Early Modern Europe (1450-1789) | |||
English 103 | II |
Shakespeare | Lupton, J. |
German 150 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
History 70B | II |
Religious violence in Early Modern Europe | Kuehn, E. |
History 114 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
Encounters with the Non-European World | |||
Anthro 30A | I |
Global Issues in Anthropological Perspective | Martin, S. |
Anthro 41A | I |
Global Cultures and Society | Douglas, T. |
Anthro 162A | I |
Peoples and Cultures of Latin America | Funez-Gonzales, J. |
Anthro 41A | II |
Global Cultures and Society | Douglas, T. |
Econ 13 | I |
Global Economy | Wang, W. |
Glbl Clt 103B | I |
Language and Globalization | Schwegler, A. |
History 21A | I |
World History: Beginnings to 1650 | Smelyansky, E. |
History 21B | I |
World History: 1650-1870 | Marsden, K. |
History 21BC | I |
World History Since 1870 | Trask, A. |
History 40A | I |
The Formation of American Society: 1492-1790 | Steiger, E. |
History 70D | I |
Conquest and Colonization in Latin America | Bassi Arevalo, E> |
History 183 | I |
Language and Globalization | Schwegler, A. |
History 70F | II |
Transnational History of Disease | Salazar, A. |
Intl St 11 | I |
Global Cultures and Society | Douglas, T. |
Intl St 13 | I |
Global Economy | Wang, W. |
Intl St 14 | I |
Introduction ot International Relations | Bach, S. |
Intl St 189 | I |
Geography of Global Economy | Alao, N. |
Intl St 11 | II |
Global Cultures and Society | Douglas, T. |
Intl St 13 | II |
Global Economy | Toukan, A. |
Soc Sci 119 | I |
Geography of Global Economy | Alao, N. |
French Studies | |||
none offered | |||
German Studies | |||
German 150 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
History 114 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
Italian Studies | |||
none offered | |||
Medieval Studies | |||
German 150 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
History 114 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
Modern Europe (1789- ) | |||
English 103 | II |
Rhetoric of Revolution | Castillo, L. |
German 150 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
Glbl Clt 103B | I |
Language and Globalization | Schwegler, A. |
History 183 | I |
Language and Globalization | Schwegler, A. |
History 114 | II |
Cultural History of Food & Eating in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present | Levine, G. |
Philos 12 | II |
History of Modern Philosophy | Griffith, A. |
Russian Studies | |||
History 183 | I |
US-Russian Relation | Plekhanov, S. |
Spanish-Portuguese Studies | |||
Spanish 186 | I |
Contemporary Latin American and Spanish Theater | Villegas, J. |
The Mediterranean World: Past & Present | |||
Classics 36A | I |
The Formation of Ancient Greek Society: Early Greece | Edmonston, C. |
Classics 37A | I |
The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Origins to Roman Republic | Maris, C. |
Classic 45A | I |
Classical Mythology: The Gods | Giannopoulou, Z. |
Classic 45B | I |
Classical Mythology: The Heroes | Feland, J. |
Classic 37B | II |
The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Roman Empire | Bullum, D. |
Classic 45A | II |
Classical Mythology: The Gods | Hernandez, A. |
Classic 45B | II |
Classical Mythology: The Heroes | Giannopoulou, Z. |
Com Lit 40A | II |
Development of Drama | Williams, J. |
History 36A | I |
The Formation of Ancient Greek Society: Early Greece | Edmonston, C. |
History 37A | I |
The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Origins to Roman Republic | Maris, C. |
Hisotry 37B | II |
The Formation of Ancient Roman Society: Roman Empire | Bullum, D. |
Philos 10 | I |
History of Ancient Philosophy | Dressel, A. |