European Studies

Quarterly Approved Courses

Fall 2001

British Studies Early Modern Europe Encounters with the Non-European World
French Studies German Studies Italian Studies
Medieval Studies Modern Europe Russian Studies
Spanish-Portuguese Studies The Mediterranean World  

Department Number Class Title Instructor
British Studies
English 6 Love in Shakespeare E. Allen
Comp Lit 100W Sect B: Romance & History in the Mid. Ages L. Georgianna
English 102A Pleasure & Doctrine in Medieval English E. Allen
English 102B Pope and Swift R. Kroll
English 102C Literature of Empire N. Freeland
English 103 Sect. B: Transatlantic Romance H. Brown
English 103 Sect. C: Women Writers in the Restoration R. Kroll
History 118A Britain 1700-1850 D. Haynes
Early Modern Europe (1450-1789)
Art History 125 Golden Age of Spain L. Bauer
English 6 Love in Shakespeare E. Allen
Comp Lit 40A Development of Drama Staff
Comp Lit 50A Homer to the Renaissance J. Lupton
English 102B Pope and Swift R. Kroll
Comp Lit 103 Sect. B: Renaissance Epic J. Chiampi
English 103 Sec.C: Women Writers in the Restoration R. Kroll
History 114A Europe: 1350-1750 L. Hill
History 118A Britain 1700-1850 D. Haynes
Encounters with the Non-European World
English 102C Literature of Empire N. Freeland
French Studies
Film Stu 160 Cultural Stereotypes in French Film P. Barbe
History 114B Modern Paris T. Tackett
German Studies
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Masculinities J. Rieckmann
German 101 Intro to German Literture and Culture J. Smith
German 102B Intellectual Debates in the United Germany W. Bialas
German 150 Europe in the Early Middle Ages T.P. Saine
History 110A Early Medieval Europe T.P. Saine
History 190A The Holocaust R. Moeller
Phil 113 Kant's First Critique B. Bristow
Phil 151 Existentialism P. Livingston
Phil 190 Social Philosophy: Arendt W. Bialas
WS 170 Lec. C: Masculinities J. Rieckmann
Italian Studies
Comp Lit 103 Sect.B: Renaissance Epic J. Chiampi
Medieval Studies
Comp Lit 50A Homer to the Renaissance J. Lupton
Comp Lit 100W Sect. B: Romance & History in the Mid. Ages L. Georgianna
English 102A Pleasure & Doctrine in Medieval Eng. Poetry E. Allen
German 150 Europe in the Early Middle Ages T.P. Saine
History 110A Early Medieval Europe T.P. Saine
Spanish 100A Intro to Medieval & Golden Age Span. Lit M. Hamilton
Modern Europe (1789- )
English 102C Literature of Empire N. Freeland
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Masculinities J. Rieckmann
English 103 Sect. B: Transatlantic Romance H. Brown
Comp Lit 104 Literature & Film of East/Central Europe D. Kujundzic
Film Studies 160 Cultural Stereotypes in French Film P. Barbe
German 101 Intro to german Literature and Culture J. Smith
German 102C Literature of Empire N. Freeland
History 114B Modern Paris T. Tackett
History 118A Britain 1700-1850 D. Haynes
History 190A The Holocaust R. Moeller
Phil 113 Kant's First Critique B. Bristow
Phil 151 Existentialism P. Livinston
Phil 190 Social Philosophy: Arendt W. Bialas
Russian 50 Childhood Through Russian & American Literature & Film
L. Wheeler
Russian 150W Russian Revolutionary Art: The Great Experiment L. Wheeler
Spanish 100B Intro to 18th - 20th C Spanish Literature G. Navajas
Spanish 110A Spanish Culture: La Movida, Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll J. Robbins
WS 170 Lec.C: Masculinities J. Rieckmann
Russian Studies
Russian 50 Childhood Through Russian & American Lit & Film L. Wheeler
Russian 150W Russian Revolutionary Art: The Great Experiment L. Wheeler
Spanish-Portuguese Studies
Art History 125 Golden Age of Spain L. Bauer
Spanish 100A Intro to Medieval & Golden Age Spanish Lit. M. Hamilton
Spanish 100B Intro to 18th - 20th C Spanish Literature G. Navajas
Spanish 110A Spanish Culture: La Movida, Sex, Drugs, & Rock N Roll J. Robbins
The Mediterranean World: Past & Present
Art History 40A History of Western Art M.M. Miles
Classics 35A Ther Formation of Ancient Society V. Yates
Classics 45A Classical Mythology-The Gods A. Zissos
Classics 176 Polarity and Ethnicity in Greek Literature C. Claxton
Greek 105A The Medea C. Claxton
Latin 105A Ovid A. Zissos
Comp Lit 50A Homer to the Renaissance J. Lupton
History 35A Origins of Ancient Society W. Donlan
Phil 10 History of Ancient Philosophy N. White
Phil 110 Plato's Metaphysics S. Scolnicov
Span 100A Intro to Medieval & Golden Age Span. Lit M. Hamilton

Winter 2002

Winter 2002
British Studies Early Modern Europe Encounters with the Non-European World
French Studies German Studies Italian Studies
Medieval Studies Modern Europe Russian Studies
Spanish-Portuguese Studies The Mediterranean World  
Department Number Class Title Instructor
British Studies
English 102A Gods, Monsters, Heroes, & Other: England's Earliest Literature L. Georgianna
English 102B The Age of Sensibility H. Oesterheld
English 102D Irish Modernism L. O'Connor
English 103 Sect. A: Poetry of the African Diaspora L. O'Connor
English 103 Sect. C: Defoe A.J. Van Sant
Film Stu 160 British Ntional Cinema: From the New Wave to "Cool Britannia" R.A. Guins
History 114 Lec. B: Ireland: BC to EU L. Hill
History 118B Modern Britain: 1850-1930 D. Haynes
Early Modern Europe (1450-1789)
AFAM 160 Lec. A: Issues in Diaspora L. O'Grady
Art Hist 40B History of Western Art G. Bauer
Art Hist 198 Sem. A: Rembrandt G. Bauer
Comp Lit 40B Development of Drama Staff
Comp Lit 50B Renaissance-Romanticism D. Kujundzic
Comp Lit 100W Inventing Love L. Aviles
Comp Lit 100W Sect. C: Balckness & Atlantic Economies L. Barrett
English 102B The Age of Sensibility H. Oesterheld
English 103 Sect. C: Defoe A. J. Van Sant
History 70B Problems in History: Europe T. Tackett
History 110C Europe in the later Middle Ages H. Mauer
History 123B Imperial Spain 1469 - 1808 C. Boyd
Phil 11 History Medieval Philosophy N. Shein
Spanish 100A Medieval & Golden Age Literature L. Aviles
Spanish 100C Pre - 19th Century Spanish American Literature I, H.-Torres
Encounters with the Non-European World
AFAM 160 Lec. A: Issues in Diaspora L. O'Grady
Comp Lit 100W Sect. C: Blackness & Atlantic Economies L. Barrett
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Poetry and Postcolonial Theory C. Noland
English 103 Sect. A: Poetry of the African Diaspora L. O'Grady
French 50 France nd the World: The French Antilles J. Culbert
French 150 Poetry and Postcolonial Theory C. Noland
History 11 Intro to Peace & Conflict Studies R. Baxter
History 21B World History: Gender & Politics: 1400-1870 Strasser/Tinsman
History 132 Israel & Palestine M. Levine
History 190

Col. E: Re-reading History's Imperialism

M. Levine
History 190 Col. H: World History of Coffee S. Topik
Spanish 100C Pre-19th C Spanish American Literature I.H.-Torres
Spanish 100B Latin American Civilization I.H.-Torres
French Studies
Art History 134C Impressionalism and Post-Impressionism F. Bavuso
French 50 France and teh World: The French Antilles J. Culbert
French 101B Intro to French Lit D. Carroll
French 119 Paris in 19th Century Literature S. Gearhart
French 120 Twentieth Century Literatue: Restless Fictions J. Culbert
French 150 Poetry and Postconolinal Theory C. Noland
History 120C France in the Nineteenth Century S. Farmer
History 190 Col. G: French Revolution T. Tackett
German Studies
Comp Lit 103 Sect. C: Romantic Fairytales W. Lillyman
German 119 19th Century Literature and Society T. P. Saine
German 150 Romantic Fairytales W. Lillyman
History 114 Lec. A: Remembering Nazism and the Holocaust W. Bialas
Italian Studies
Medieval Studies
Art Hist 40B The History of Western Art G. Bauer
Art Hist 114 Romanesque Art A. Gonosova
English 102A Gods, Monsters, Heroes, nd Others: Englan's Earliest Literature L. Georgianna
History 110C Europe in the Later Middle Ages H. Mauer
Spanish 100A Medieval & Golden Age Literature L. Aviles
Spanish 110A Medieval Iberia: Christians, Muslims, & Jews In Medieval Spain M. Hamilton
Spanish 116 Survey of Medievel Literature M. Hamilton
Modern Europe (1789- )
Comp Lit 40B Development of Drama Staff
Comp Lit 50B Renaissance-Romanticism D. Kujundzic
CRIT 100BW Sect. D: Between Literature & Philosophy A. Warminski
CRIT 100BW Sect. E: Post-Holocaust Literature S. Guyer
English 102D Irish Modernism L. O'Connor
Comp Lit 103 Sect. A: Poet and the City E. Burt
Comp Lit 103 Sect. B: Dostoevsky and the Novel D. Kujundzic
Comp Lit 103 Sect. C: Romantic Fairytales W. Lillyman
French 101B Intro to French Literature D. Carroll
French 119 Paris in 19th C. Literature S. Gearhart
French 120 20th C. Literature: Restless Fictions J. Culbert
French 150 Poetry and Postcolonial Theory C. Noland
German 119 19th C. Literature and Society T.P. Saine
German 150 Romantic Fairytales W. Lillyman
History 11 Intro to Peace & Conflict Studies R. Baxter
History 70B Problems in History: Europe T. Tackett
History 114 Lec. A: Remembering Nazism & the Holocaust W. Bialas
History 114 Lec. B: Ireland BC to EU L. Hill
History 118B Modern Britain: 1850 - 1930 D. Haynes
History 120C France in the 19th Century S. Farmer
History 128 Cmparative Modern Feminisms (1792-1949) H.Chenut
History 142B Sport, Commercialism, & Mass Culture in Europe and America E. Reed
History 190 Col. E: Re-reading History's Imperialism M. Levine
History 190 Col. G: French Revolution T. Tackett
Russian 50 Gender Issues in Russian Culture L. Wheeler
Russian 150 Dostoevsky & The Novel D. Kujundzic
Spanish 100B Intro to Modern Spanish Lit: 18th and 20th C J. Robbins
Spanish 123 20th C Spanish Literature G. Navajas
Russian Studies
Comp Lit 103 Dostoevsky and the Novel D. Kujundzic
Russian 50 Gende Issues in Russian Culture L Wheeler
Russian 150 Dostoevsky and the Novel D. Kujundzic
Spanish-Portuguese Studies
History 123B Imperial Spain 1469 - 1808 C. Boyd
Spanish 100A Medieval & Golden Age Spanish Lit L. Aviles
Spanish 100B Intro to Modern Span Lit: 18th & 20th C J. Robbins
Spanish 100C Pre-19th C Spanish American Literature I. H.-Torres
Spanish 110A Medieval Iberia: Christians, Muslims, & Jews in Medieval Spain M. Hamilton
Spanish 110B Latin American Civilization I. H.-Torres
Spanish 116 Survey of Medieval Lit M. Hamilton
Spanish 123 20th Century Spanish Literature G. Navajas
The Mediterranean World: Past & Present
Art Hist 107 Ancient Pompeii M. Miles
Classics 35B Classical Greece C. Claxton
Classics 45B Classical Mythology-The Heroes A. Zissos
Classics 75 Intro to Classical Rhetoric P. Sinclair
Classics 160W Ancient Comedy in Translations D. Sutton
Greek 101 Greek Prose: Herodotus C. Claxton
Latin 105B Greek Lyric V. Ytes
Latin 101 Latin Prose: Cicero on the Humanities P. Sinclair
Latin 105B Petronius D. Sutton
History 105B Later Roman Empire S. Felder
Phil 110 Ancient Skipticism N. White

Spring 2002

British Studies Early Modern Europe Encounters with the Non-European World
French Studies German Studies Italian Studies
Medieval Studies Modern Europe Russian Studies
Spanish-Portuguese Studies The Mediterranean World  

Department Number Class Title Instructor
British Studies
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad adn His Inheritiors J. Culbert
English 102B 18th C. Autobiograhy & The Novel R Folkenflik
English 102C Sect. A: From Sensibility to Romanticism H. Roberts
English 103 Sect. B: Romantic Natures S. Guyer
English 106 The Child in 18th C. British Literature A.J. Van Sant
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to Present D. Haynes
Early Modern Europe (1450-1789)
Art Hist 121 Intalian Renaissance Art G. Bauer
English 102B 18th C. Autobiography & The Novel R. Folkenflik
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A. Ferreira
English 106 The Child in 18th C. British Literature A.J. Van Sant
French 101C Introduction to French Literature E. Burt
History 190 Lec.G: Saints, Witches & Wives: Women &
Gender in Reform & Counterreformation Eur.
U. Strasser
Encounters with the Non-European World
Asian Am 110 Lec. B: Literature of the South Asian Diaspora B. Shroff
Comp Lit 50B Modernism J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad & His Inheritors J. Culbert
Criticism 100BW Sect. C: Psychoanalysis & Postcolonial Theory J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Fench 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
Portuguese 121 Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Spanish 100C Pre-Hispanic to Colonial J. Sefami
French Studies
French 101C Introduction to French Literature E. Burt
French 110 Cubism in Painting & Poetry C. Noland
French 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
French 150 Europe & The Nation D. Carroll
German Studies
German 120 1870-1914: Modernism & Literary Pluralism E. Wessell
German 150 Nietzsche: Problems of Modernity H. Lehnert
History 190 Col. D: Hitler's Foreign Policy J. Jacobson
Italian Studies
Italian 101B Italian Literature J. Chiampi
Medieval Studies
History 110D Medieval Women H. Maurer
Modern Europe (1789- )
Comp Lit 40C Development of Drama Staff
Comp Lit 50B Modernism J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad & His Inheritors J. Culbert
English 102C Sect. A: From Sensibility to Romanticism H. Roberts
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
English 103 Sect. B: Romantic Natures S.Guyer
French 110 Cubism in Painting & Poetry C. Noland
French 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
French 150 Europe & the Nation D. Carroll
German 120 1870-1914: Modernism & Literary Pluralism E. Wessell
German 150 Neitzche: Problems of Modernity H. Lehnert
History 114 Lec. A: History & Memory in Film W. Bialas
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to the Present D. Haynes
History 120D France in the 20th Century S. Farmer
History 123C Twentieth Century Spain C. Boyd
History 126B World War II J. Jacobson
History 190 Col. B: Modern European Nationalism C.Boyd
History 190 Col. D: Hitler's Foreign Policy J. Jacobson
Phil 7 Introduction to Existentialism S. Fauble
Phil 12 History of Modern Philosophy A. Nelson
Spanish 123 Federico Garcia Lorca J. Robbins
Spanish 165 The New Myths of the Nation G. Navajas
Spanish 165 Cinema of Almodovar P.J. Smith
Spanish 185 Bad Girls & Boy Girls: Women Artists who Break the Rules J. Robbins
Russian Studies
Russian 50 Russian Folklore L. Wheeler
Spanish-Portuguese Studies
History 123C 20th C. Spain C. Boyd
Portuguese 121 Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Spanish 100C Pre-Hispanic to Colonial J. Sefami
Spanish 123 Federico Garcia Lorca J. Robbins
Spanish 165 The New Myths of the Nation G. Navajas
Spanish 165 Cinema of Almodovar P.J. Smith
Spanish 185 Bad Girls & Boys Girls: Women Artists who Break the Rules J. Robbins
The Mediterranean World: Past & Present
Art History 118 Islamic Art A. Gonosova
Classics 35C Formation of Ancient Society: Ancient Rome P. Sinclair
Classics 160 Greek & Roman Tragedy D. Sutton
Classics 170 Greek Women in Antiquity C. Claxton
Greek 105C Thucydides C. Claxton
Latin 105C Satire P. Sinclair
Comp Lit 8 Our Ancestors: The Greeks J. Newman

British Studies Early Modern Europe Encounters with the Non-European World
French Studies German Studies Italian Studies
Medieval Studies Modern Europe Russian Studies
Spanish-Portuguese Studies The Mediterranean World  

Department Number Class Title Instructor
British Studies
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad adn His Inheritiors J. Culbert
English 102B 18th C. Autobiograhy & The Novel R Folkenflik
English 102C Sect. A: From Sensibility to Romanticism H. Roberts
English 103 Sect. B: Romantic Natures S. Guyer
English 106 The Child in 18th C. British Literature A.J. Van Sant
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to Present D. Haynes
Early Modern Europe (1450-1789)
Art Hist 121 Intalian Renaissance Art G. Bauer
English 102B 18th C. Autobiography & The Novel R. Folkenflik
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A. Ferreira
English 106 The Child in 18th C. British Literature A.J. Van Sant
French 101C Introduction to French Literature E. Burt
History 190 Lec.G: Saints, Witches & Wives: Women &
Gender in Reform & Counterreformation Eur.
U. Strasser
Encounters with the Non-European World
Asian Am 110 Lec. B: Literature of the South Asian Diaspora B. Shroff
Comp Lit 50B Modernism J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad & His Inheritors J. Culbert
Criticism 100BW Sect. C: Psychoanalysis & Postcolonial Theory J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Fench 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
Portuguese 121 Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Spanish 100C Pre-Hispanic to Colonial J. Sefami
French Studies
French 101C Introduction to French Literature E. Burt
French 110 Cubism in Painting & Poetry C. Noland
French 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
French 150 Europe & The Nation D. Carroll
German Studies
German 120 1870-1914: Modernism & Literary Pluralism E. Wessell
German 150 Nietzsche: Problems of Modernity H. Lehnert
History 190 Col. D: Hitler's Foreign Policy J. Jacobson
Italian Studies
Italian 101B Italian Literature J. Chiampi
Medieval Studies
History 110D Medieval Women H. Maurer
Modern Europe (1789- )
Comp Lit 40C Development of Drama Staff
Comp Lit 50B Modernism J. Steintrager
Comp Lit 100W Sect. D: Conrad & His Inheritors J. Culbert
English 102C Sect. A: From Sensibility to Romanticism H. Roberts
Comp Lit 103 Sect. D: Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
English 103 Sect. B: Romantic Natures S.Guyer
French 110 Cubism in Painting & Poetry C. Noland
French 127 Duras & Djebar P. Barbe
French 150 Europe & the Nation D. Carroll
German 120 1870-1914: Modernism & Literary Pluralism E. Wessell
German 150 Neitzche: Problems of Modernity H. Lehnert
History 114 Lec. A: History & Memory in Film W. Bialas
History 118C Modern Britain: 1930 to the Present D. Haynes
History 120D France in the 20th Century S. Farmer
History 123C Twentieth Century Spain C. Boyd
History 126B World War II J. Jacobson
History 190 Col. B: Modern European Nationalism C.Boyd
History 190 Col. D: Hitler's Foreign Policy J. Jacobson
Phil 7 Introduction to Existentialism S. Fauble
Phil 12 History of Modern Philosophy A. Nelson
Spanish 123 Federico Garcia Lorca J. Robbins
Spanish 165 The New Myths of the Nation G. Navajas
Spanish 165 Cinema of Almodovar P.J. Smith
Spanish 185 Bad Girls & Boy Girls: Women Artists who Break the Rules J. Robbins
Russian Studies
Russian 50 Russian Folklore L. Wheeler
Spanish-Portuguese Studies
History 123C 20th C. Spain C. Boyd
Portuguese 121 Fictions of Empire A.P. Ferreira
Spanish 100C Pre-Hispanic to Colonial J. Sefami
Spanish 123 Federico Garcia Lorca J. Robbins
Spanish 165 The New Myths of the Nation G. Navajas
Spanish 165 Cinema of Almodovar P.J. Smith
Spanish 185 Bad Girls & Boys Girls: Women Artists who Break the Rules J. Robbins
The Mediterranean World: Past & Present
Art History 118 Islamic Art A. Gonosova
Classics 35C Formation of Ancient Society: Ancient Rome P. Sinclair
Classics 160 Greek & Roman Tragedy D. Sutton
Classics 170 Greek Women in Antiquity C. Claxton
Greek 105C Thucydides C. Claxton
Latin 105C Satire P. Sinclair
Comp Lit 8 Our Ancestors: The Greeks J. Newman