a conference
hosted by the graduate students in the Department of Comparative Literature at UC Irvine |
May 5&6, 2006
a keynote dialogue between Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot
Professor in Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at UC Berkeley, and
Gayatri Spivak, Avalon Foundation Professor in the
Humanities at Columbia University. This conference will delineate various "states" of sentiment, desire, or affect, and examine their deployment on--or relation to--the global scene of political and economic "states." Within contemporary landscapes, the proliferating language of sentiment and feeling (memory, mourning, terror, cruelty, suffering, pleasure, paranoia, and nostalgia) appears encoded in political, economic, and legal processes. Our intention is to shift the parameters of current debates on globalization onto new planes of experience and to interrogate the neutral terms under which the name of the global is invoked.
please direct questions or comments to globalstates@gmail.com |
panel descriptions and participant bios screening: experimental film shorts "global visions: memory-traces, libidinal imaginaries, and intercessory images"
Graduate Students and "Global States" Visitors, announcing a lecture by: BERNARD STIEGLER May 4, 2006 4:00 PM HumaniTech Lecture Series Information |