Schedule: Thursday: 7-9pm : Film Screening: Never Forever (HIB 100) Friday: 8:30-9: Breakfast & Sign-in (HIB 137) 9-10: Opening Address by David Theo Goldberg 10-12: Recuperating Revolution and History (HIB 341) Katrin Hakkinen "William Blake and his idea of liberation in the 1790s" (University of Tartu) Michael Cucher "Development as Counter-Insurgency in John Womack Jr.'s Zapata and the Mexican Revolution" (University of Southern California) Ryvka Bar Zohar "The Affective Economies of Zionism" (New York University) Faculty Respondent: Nasrin Rahimieh 10-12: Gender, Kinship & the Body (HIB 135) Nimanthi E. R. Rajasingham "Violence Against Women: the Beginnings of a Debate in Sri Lanka" (Rutgers University) Kate Olson "Infanticide, Cannibalism, Rape, and Mutilation: the Uneasy Equations of Violence and Gender in John Gower's Confessio Amantis" (Columbia University) Erik Rangno "Family Killing at the Crossroads of Ethics and Culture" (University of California, Irvine) Faculty Respondent: Eyal Amiran 2-4: Legacies of Domination, Colonialism, & Slavery (HIB 135) Jed Murr "To 'Shake Dixie's teeth loose': Lynching, Liberal Nationalism and Racial Capitalism in Langston Hughes's 'Silhouette'" (University of Washington) Jessica Collier "Going Nowhere Fast: Education of African-American Women in History and in Harriet Wilson's Our Nig" (University of California, Irvine) Jordan Hayes "The Eighteenth-Century Myth of Constructive Force" (San Francisco State University) Faculty Respondent: Steven Mailloux 4-6: Violence in Representation & Spectation (HIB 135) Amy Rust "Hitting the 'Verite Jackpot': The Ecstatic Profits of Freeze-Framed Violence" (University of California, Berkeley) Joshua R. Coonrod "The Safety of Children: An Analysis of Why Children are Kept Safe from Harm in Horror Narratives" (University of Florida) Brechtje C.M. Beuker "A Need to Tell? Theater, Violence, and the Destruction of the Psychological Narrative" (University of Minnesota) Faculty Respondent: Kyung Hyun Kim 6-7: Reception (HIB 137) 7-9: Film Screening: Funny Games (HIB 100) Saturday: 8:30-9: Breakfast 9-11: Violence & the Performativity of Language (HIB 341) Lisa Barksdale-Shaw "Driven to Violence: Avenging Victimization & Forging Justice in Contemporary British Drama" (Central Michigan University) Amalia Herrmann "Heidegger, National Socialism, and Philosophical Responsibility" (Cornell University) Aaron Winters "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones" (University of California, Irvine) Faculty Respondent: Kai Evers 9-11: Traumatic Histories (HIB 135) Tamara Lea Spira "'Remembering' Trauma, Imagining Transformation: The Psycho-Affective Economies of Globalization and a Juxtapositional Poetics of Violence and Survival" (University of California, Santa Cruz) Jesse Cross "Vonnegut, Dresden, & the Cold War" (University of California, Irvine) Michelle Cho "Feeling the Way of the Intercepting Fist: Violence and Fantasy in Once Upon a Time in High School" (University of California, Irvine) Faculty Respondent: Gabriele Schwab 11-1: Spinoza & the Vicissitudes of Violence (HIB 341) Alexander Keller Hirsch "To Be Held Out Into the Nothing: the Ethics of Violence in Spinoza and Heidegger" (University of California, Santa Cruz) Don Kingsbury "The Divine Fires of Potentia: Ethical Violence in Antonio Negri and Enrique Dussel" (University of California, Santa Cruz) Evan Calder Williams "Shock Affects" (University of California, Santa Cruz) Theresa Erin Enright "The Politics of Vulnerability: Spinozan Affect and Violence"(University of California, Santa Cruz) 11-1: The Politics of Reconfiguring Discourse(s) of Violence: Problematics in the Dynamics of War & Gaming (HIB 135) Matthew Schilleman "The Violence of the Game" (University of California, Irvine) Mia L. McIver "Necessity Knows No Law: Atrocity, Political Theology, and Biopolitics in Mother Courage and Her Children" (University of California, Irvine) Annette Rubado-Mejia "Civil Violence and Politics in the film City of God" (University of California, Irvine) Faculty Respondent: Ackbar Abbas 2-4: Legitimizing Violence (HIB 135) Tim Wong "An Eye for an I" (University of California, Irvine) Peter Leman "The Violence of Justice / The Justice of Violence: The Critique of Law and Empire in Augusta Webster's The Sentence" (University of California, Irvine) Rebecca Schuman "So ein recht vernichtender Schlag: Linguistic Self-Annihilation, "Pure Means" and Robert Walser's Jakob von Gunten" (University of California, Irvine) Faculty Respondent: Dina Al-Kassim 4:30-6: Keynote Address by Wendy Brown (HIB 100) 6-7:30: Keynote Address by Cathy Caruth (HIB 100) 7:30-9: Reception (HIB 135) |