Message from the Chair

It is with great joy and excitement that I write this message as Chair of the Department of Philosophy; a Department with a bright past, which is determined to have an even brighter future.
Our recently established new tracks complement our traditional Philosophy major. The two new tracks are: Philosophy, Medicine and Well-Being and Philosophy, Law and Society. We are also thrilled to share with you our new Honors Program in Philosophy.
This year we have 5 new graduate students who will join a cohort of over 30 Ph.D. students. By offering competitive packages, and with an entirely redesigned first year, we aim to enhance the quality . . .
About the Department

The Department of Philosophy is world-class and has particular strengths in three main areas. History of Philosophy, including Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy, both analytic and continental; Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics, pursued with analytic methodologies but open to the influences of the continental tradition; Ethics, Legal and Political Philosophy, Social and Value theory.
The Department hosts two research centers: the Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society and, jointly with the School of Law, the Center for Legal Philosophy.
Please read the information on Diversity and Inclusivity.
UC Irvine’s philosophy graduate program is jointly administered by the Department of Philosophy in the School of Humanities and the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science . . .