Graduate Student Information
Welcome to the Program in Global Languages & Communication!
Our program offers a number of courses and services that are designed to help international graduate students succeed at UCI.
Program in Global Languages & Communication - courses for graduate students- AE 200: Oral English Communication I - This course is designed to help students hear and produce the sounds of English as an International Language with greater accuracy and confidence. The course focuses on pronunciation features (e.g., consonant sounds, consonant clusters, vowels, thought groups, and nuclear stress).
- AE 201: Oral English Communication II - This course is designed to help students develop conversational fluency in English as an International Language. The course focuses on applying knowledge of linguistic features and communicative skills during conversational exchange in a variety of social, academic, and professional contexts.
- AE 202: Oral English Communication III - This course is designed to help students hone their public speaking skills in English as an International Language. The course focuses on preparing, organizing, and delivering speeches and presentations and interacting with the audience, emphasizing skills needed in academic settings.
- AE 210: Introduction to Graduate Research Writing -This course is designed to help graduate students in developing a fundamental understanding of graduate writing necessary for more advanced tasks, such as academic publishing and thesis/dissertation writing.
- AE 211: Graduate Writing for Scholarly Publication - This course is designed to help graduate students in the preparation of a conference paper or journal manuscript for publication. This course is most helpful for those who are in the process of preparing to publish.
- AE 212: Thesis/Dissertation Writing for Graduate Students - This course is designed to help graduate students in the preparation of a thesis/dissertation (or proposal). This course is most helpful for those who are in the process of preparing a thesis/dissertation (or proposal).
Language Testing- The UCI Test of Oral English Proficiency (TOEP) is offered at UCI 3 times a year - in September, December, and June.
- SPEAK@UCI is offered before fall quarter and also during fall, winter, and spring quarters in week 4; check the website link for updates and a sample SPEAK test.
- TOEFL iBT and IELTS are given in Orange County. Check the websites for dates and times.
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