Why are we collecting this information?

Students often find it hard to visualize life beyond the major. In particular, they're used to hearing about the limited options open to students with degrees in the Humanities. We hope to give students a diverse set of real-world examples of how people moved into a range of different lives and careers after graduating from UC Irvine's Asian American Studies department. We also hope to get a better sense for ourselves of the ways we might try to tailor our students' experience at UCI to better equip them for the world they're going to enter.

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Stay Connected - Alumni Form

Field Name Your Response
Highest degree earned at UCI
Format: 1989, 2004, etc.
Tell us about yourself. For example, where do you currently work? What value has your UCI Asian American Studies degree brought to your career? What advice would you give to current Asian American Studies majors?

Note: This information will be placed into our database, which we will be making publicly accessible. Do not include any  information you do not want publicly available.

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If you have an image you would like to accompany your biography, you can email it to robledj@uci.edu.

Thank you very much!