Frequently Asked Questions
Current Students
• How to Enroll in 101BW Courses
The LJ 101BW workshop request process is now paperless and online. To request a seat in the class, follow the steps below.
1. First read the policies to ensure you are eligible for LJ 101BW:
Only students who have completed LJ 101A with a passing grade are eligible to take LJ 101BW. Students may take only one LJ 101BW per quarter, and the courses must be taken for a grade and at UCI. Students are guaranteed one seat per quarter in their fourth/ Senior year at UCI; non-Seniors are not guaranteed seats. Seats are offered to non-Seniors on the basis of progress to degree, among other factors. All students who want seats must request them using the process described below.
2. Visit the Courses page for current
course descriptions. Make sure to choose the current quarter and year from the pull-down menu.
3. Class times and locations are available in the
UCI Schedule of Classes
4. Next, visit the online Workshop Request Survey which is emailed to all LJ majors from Qualtrics in Week 5 of each quarter.
5. Submit the survey and accompanying transcript to Qualtrics by
5 p.m. on Tuesday of Week 7 of the current quarter. STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO
Questions? Contact Literary Journalism Associate Director Patricia Pierson at
1. First read the policies to ensure you are eligible for LJ 101BW:
Only students who have completed LJ 101A with a passing grade are eligible to take LJ 101BW. Students may take only one LJ 101BW per quarter, and the courses must be taken for a grade and at UCI. Students are guaranteed one seat per quarter in their fourth/ Senior year at UCI; non-Seniors are not guaranteed seats. Seats are offered to non-Seniors on the basis of progress to degree, among other factors. All students who want seats must request them using the process described below.
2. Visit the Courses page for current
course descriptions. Make sure to choose the current quarter and year from the pull-down menu.
3. Class times and locations are available in the
UCI Schedule of Classes
4. Next, visit the online Workshop Request Survey which is emailed to all LJ majors from Qualtrics in Week 5 of each quarter.
5. Submit the survey and accompanying transcript to Qualtrics by
5 p.m. on Tuesday of Week 7 of the current quarter. STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO
Questions? Contact Literary Journalism Associate Director Patricia Pierson at
• How to Enroll in WR 197: Writing Internships (FALL, WINTER, SPRING ONLY)
Students wishing to enroll in a supervised independent study (WR 197) should do
the following as soon as possible, but no later than Friday of Week 3, which
is the Humanities add deadline:
1. Contact a
Literary Journalism faculty member to obtain sponsorship. Literary Journalism
Reporting Mentor, Amy DePaul, can also supervise an independent study. Learn
more about WR 197 course requirements by reading the following memo:
Internship Course Credit Memo
2. Download and complete the upper portion of the
School of Humanities Independent Study Proposal Form
3. Meet with your faculty sponsor to discuss workload, assignments, and readings.
During the meeting, complete the form and make sure you and your sponsor sign the form.
4. Return the completed Independent Study form by PDF to Patricia Pierson at Once your form is received and approved, you will receive an add code by email.
**Please note: WR 197 is offered Pass/ No Pass only when taken to provide course credit for an internship. Make sure to register for the class Pass/ No Pass in WebReg.**
the following as soon as possible, but no later than Friday of Week 3, which
is the Humanities add deadline:
1. Contact a
Literary Journalism faculty member to obtain sponsorship. Literary Journalism
Reporting Mentor, Amy DePaul, can also supervise an independent study. Learn
more about WR 197 course requirements by reading the following memo:
Internship Course Credit Memo
2. Download and complete the upper portion of the
School of Humanities Independent Study Proposal Form
3. Meet with your faculty sponsor to discuss workload, assignments, and readings.
During the meeting, complete the form and make sure you and your sponsor sign the form.
4. Return the completed Independent Study form by PDF to Patricia Pierson at Once your form is received and approved, you will receive an add code by email.
**Please note: WR 197 is offered Pass/ No Pass only when taken to provide course credit for an internship. Make sure to register for the class Pass/ No Pass in WebReg.**
• How to Enroll in SUMMER WR 197: Writing Internships
Literary Journalism's deadline for enrollment in this course is June 20. Please do not contact Literary Journalism during the summer to try to add the course.
1. Visit the Summer Session website to download the Summer Independent Study form for Non-BioSci courses:
2. Complete the form. Summer WR 197 courses are supervised by Professor Barry Siegel, Director of Literary Journalism (unless you have made plans to have your ISP supervised by a different Literary Journalism faculty member, which is also permitted).
The course can be taken for 2-4 units for THE 10-Week Session only. The
cost of tuition is linked to the number of units earned, with two-unit ISPs costing less than
those for more units.
**Please note: WR 197 is only offered Pass/ No Pass when taken to provide course credit for an internship. Make sure to state on the form that the course will be taken Pass/ No Pass.**
3. Contact Patricia Pierson ( by e-mail to make arrangements for obtaining Professor Siegel's signature.
4. Once you have obtained Professor Siegel's signature, you can contact Summer Session to arrange to pay your fees.
Summer Session will enroll you in the course. Please note: LITERARY JOURNALISM DOES NOT DISTRIBUTE ADD CODES FOR SUMMER WR 197 COURSES.
5. Once students are registered, they must contact Professor Siegel (or their supervising professor) to make arrangements to submit assignments. **Please note: Students are responsible for maintaining a weekly log of their experiences at the internship and are also responsible for submitting a mid-term and final narrative relating to their internship work.**
1. Visit the Summer Session website to download the Summer Independent Study form for Non-BioSci courses:
2. Complete the form. Summer WR 197 courses are supervised by Professor Barry Siegel, Director of Literary Journalism (unless you have made plans to have your ISP supervised by a different Literary Journalism faculty member, which is also permitted).
The course can be taken for 2-4 units for THE 10-Week Session only. The
cost of tuition is linked to the number of units earned, with two-unit ISPs costing less than
those for more units.
**Please note: WR 197 is only offered Pass/ No Pass when taken to provide course credit for an internship. Make sure to state on the form that the course will be taken Pass/ No Pass.**
3. Contact Patricia Pierson ( by e-mail to make arrangements for obtaining Professor Siegel's signature.
4. Once you have obtained Professor Siegel's signature, you can contact Summer Session to arrange to pay your fees.
Summer Session will enroll you in the course. Please note: LITERARY JOURNALISM DOES NOT DISTRIBUTE ADD CODES FOR SUMMER WR 197 COURSES.
5. Once students are registered, they must contact Professor Siegel (or their supervising professor) to make arrangements to submit assignments. **Please note: Students are responsible for maintaining a weekly log of their experiences at the internship and are also responsible for submitting a mid-term and final narrative relating to their internship work.**
Prospective Students
• Does UCI offer a graduate degree in Literary Journalism?
The Literary Journalism program is for students seeking a bachelor's degree only.
• How can I enroll in Literary Journalism courses at UCI?
Courses are open to enrolled UCI students only; however, non-students are welcome to attend any of the program's public events. Visit the program's Events page for more information on upcoming talks, readings, and conferences.
• How can I learn more about Literary Journalism?
Please visit our Links and Resources page for information about the discipline and links to resources for writers.