EAP Students

Our program offers a number of courses and services that are designed to help Education Abroad Reciprocity (EAP) Students succeed at UCI.

Each quarter, the Program makes every effort to provide EAP reciprocity students with sections of courses. For information about our courses, go to the UCI Catalogue.

One course that meets the needs of many EAP reciprocity students is Academic English 28-Special Topics: Grammar.  This course provides an overview of English grammar as well as many interactive activities that require students to use the grammar in communicating in speech and in writing.  Students write a great deal in the class and this helps to prepare them for the rigorous writing demands of UCI.

Education Abroad students are not required to take the Academic English Placement Test.  If they want to enroll in any of the Academic English reading or writing sections, they should just attend the first day of class.  The instructor will give them a short assessment on that day.

EAP students who would like to take the Academic English Placement Test may take the exam if they like.   Information about the Academic English Placement Test can be found at the UCI Testing Office website.  They should take the test before the quarter begins.

If EAP students want take one of our reading or writing courses but experience difficulty enrolling in these courses, they should contact the Associate Professor of Teaching and Associate Director Qian Du (qian1@uci.edu).  Pending funding and space, they will be able to enroll in a course and a program administrator will contact them.

Education Abroad Reciprocity students who want to improve their oral language skills, should contact Jerry Lee (hum-glc-director@uci.edu) for advice.  Pending funding and space, it might be possible for them to enroll in one of our oral communication courses (Academic English 23A-C) or receive special tutoring.

International Student Resources

English Conversation Program
UCI International Center