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The Academy of Korean Studies' visit to the UCI Center for Critical Korean Studies

A delegation from the Academy of Korean Studies, a South Korean research and educational institute that provided grant funds to the Center for Critical Korean Studies, visited the Center to celebrate its launch and discussed the visions.

A delegation from the Academy of Korean Studies, a South Korean research and educational institute that provided grant funds to the Center for Critical Korean Studies, visited the Center to celebrate its launch and discussed the visions.

The three representatives met with the UCI Chancellor Howard Gillman, who is a strong supporter of UCI-Korea partnership. They also met with the Dean of Social Sciences Bill Maurer and Associate Dean for Research at the School of Humanities Julia R. Lupton to learn about the collaboration between the two Schools to develop the Center. Kyung Hyun Kim, Director of the Center for Critical Korean Studies, gave a briefing on the new center’s program coordinating plans for future growth.

The delegation later joined the Grand Opening of ‘Korea Corner’ in Langson Library, funded by the Korea Foundation. With these learning resources, the Center for Critical Korean Studies will support academic advancement and cross-cultural understanding by offering robust programs across the campus.