Past Approved Courses





Quarterly Approved Courses

AfAm 138 / History 150 Black Movements De Vera, S. 
AfAm 138 / History 150 Idea of America Chandler, N. 
Classics 160 Villains and Gender Giannopoulou, Z.
English 100 Intro to Lit Theory Bartlett, J.
English 102B Sex and Sensibility Way, J.
English 105 Latinx Signifier Trigos, M. 
English 105     Writing Race Tobar, H. 
Gen&Sex 100B Feminist Theory Kang, L.
Gen&Sex 100D Queer Knowledges Staff
Gen&Sex 189 Villains & Gender Giannopoulou, Z.
GlbClt 103BA Abolitionist Worlds Harvey, S. 
History 100W Cities to Suburbs Farmer, S. 
History 140 Media & US Election  Perlman, A. 
History 150 19C Black Movements De Vera, S. 
History 150 Idea of America I Chandler, N. 
History 169 Migrant & Exclusn LA Aguilar, K. 
History 190 Global Anarchisms Aguilar, K.
History 190 Slavery & Afr. Diaspora Millward, J.
Lit Jrn 103 Writing Race Tobar, H. 
Philos 102W Intro to Knowledge Coliva, A. 
Philos 103 Intro to Moral Phil Helmreich, J. 
Philos 120 Philos of Race Heis, J. 
Philos 121A Med Epistemology Bernecker, S. 
Philos 131C Medical Ethics Donaldson, B. 
Phlos 164 Well-Being Fiocco, M. 
Rel Std 175 Medical Ethics Donaldson, B.