Instructor | Theme |
Abolail, Sarah | Retelling /Un-telling Fairy Tales |
Burrell, Jocelyn | Fairy Tales |
Carter, Austin | Dead Girls: True Crime & Feminist Interventions |
Cassidy, Buddy | American Gothic |
Chabon, Sophie | Espionage Literature and the long Cold War (taught fall 2020) |
Chase, Williston | |
Chen, Jill | Fairy Tales |
Deitch, Hannah | Disney Dystopia |
Doucette, Stephanie | American Gothic |
Ellis, Tagert | Disney Dystopia |
Fermin, Juan Carlos | Tropical Gothic |
Flores, Brian | Fairy Tales |
Fonken, Brian | The American Jeremiad |
Gabbert, Marcus | Fairy Tales |
Gillespie, John | Autoethnography |
Hiscock, Vincent | Rhetoric of Modernist Poetry |
Howard, Stephen | Fairy Tales |
Huang, Isis | Fairy Tales |
Hussein, Zainab | Fairy Tales |
Keeler, Charlene | Neowestern |
Kongshaug, Erik | Frankenstein Rhetoric |
Lane, Peter | Science Fiction |
Lin, Shiqi | Science Fiction |
Mazloumi, Babak | Science Fiction |
McCabe, Taylor | Fairy Tales |
Melvin, Timothy | American Gothic |
Mixon, Amanda | The Rhetoric of Freedom and Slavery |
Mukherjee, Anannya | Viral Conspiracies |
Nieman, John | American Gothic |
Price, Darby | Unnatural Creatures |
Read, Madeleine | LA Noir |
Schulte, Julie | |
Settell, Jon-David | Female Gothic |
Short, Gretchen | Science Fiction |
Weaver, Harriet | Fairy Tales |
Winiarski, Catherine | Nature Writing |
Yamada, James | Fairy Tales |
Zhuang, Jie | Fairy Tales |