1. Can I submit separate short stories or poems? -- No. We require collections for short stories and poetry. The collections have to be the exact length that is specified in the rules for that particular genre or they may be longer. If your manuscript does not have the minimum number of pages, it will be disqualified. |
2. If I am not a Permanent Resident or citizen of the U.S., can I still compete? -- No. Our funding requires that every applicant be either a Permanent Resident or Citizen of the United States. |
3. Can I submit material other than the genre specified? -- No. If the manuscript does not match the genre for that particular year, it will be not be considered and will be discarded or returned if a self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed. |
4. What do you mean by "bound manuscript?" -- The manuscript has to be bound, in any form, i.e. three-ring binder, spiral, folder, etc. It does not have to be professionally bound. It is imperative that the pages in the manuscript are held together by some type of fastener in the folder or binder, otherwise loose pages get lost during the judging. Any material that is not "bound" will be disqualified. |
5. Can previously published work be sent in for competition? -- It depends. If the whole manuscript is previously under contract, then it is very probable that we will not accept the piece. If only some short stories or poems in the manuscript have been published, then it is probable that we will accept the manuscript for competition. This problem has to be addressed directly with either the Prize Coordinator or the Prize Director. |
6. Does the winner have to publish with the "Prize Series?" -- No. The winning author has the right to look for a separate publisher other than the one we provide. The author has up to one year to publish with us. However, if the author has not made a contract with another publisher within the year after receiving first prize we are no longer responsible for its publication. |
7. Who is the "Prize Series" publisher? -- Our current Award Series publishing company is Arte Público Press. This could change in the future. Please email or call for information. |
8. What do you mean by "travel allowance?" -- By travel allowance, we mean reimbursement for transportation costs to the University of California, Irvine to receive the prize. Only the First Prize winner is awarded a travel allowance. |
9. What do you mean by triplicate? -- This means that we want you to send three copies of the manuscript. This is a requirement. |
10. Does the manuscript have to be in either Spanish or English, entirely, or could it be a combination of both? -- Combinations are acceptable. |
11. Can the manuscripts be Fed Exd or hand delivered to the department? -- The manuscripts can be either sent through Fed Ex or hand delivered, it is your choice. If the manuscripts are hand delivered to the department they need to be delivered to the department on or before the June 1st deadline. |