The first stand-alone publication of the Literary Journalism program, KIOSK
is a web-based magazine featuring the best nonfiction writing from the
classroom and beyond. Edited and designed with the assistance of a student
editorial board, KIOSK reflects the interests and talents of literary
journalists at UC Irvine. It is published annually in the fall; submissions are accepted throughout the year at The deadline for the Fall 2011 issue is October 1 , 2011.
We welcome your feedback. Please forward any questions or comments about our content to or
You may reach the kiosk office at:
(949) 824-6876
or write to:
c/o the Literary Journalism Program
Department of English, UC Irvine
435 Humanities Instructional Building
Irvine, CA 92697-2650
The newest major offered by the Department of English, Literary Journalism,
was created to meet the needs of a growing number of students who wish to
read, study and write nonfiction prose that has transcended the limits of
daily journalism. The program provides majors with a solid foundation in
nonfiction writing and an equally solid background in areas such as literary history, which together will help make them more informed writers.

david hartstein