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Future of Writing: Day One
Thursday, November 6, 2008
8.30 : Welcome:
Barbara Cohen, UCI HumaniTech
Remarks: Jonathan Alexander UCI Campus Writing
Remarks: David Theo Goldberg, UCHRI
9.00 : Session
I : Identity and the Internet
Brodkey, Holly Bauer, and Jason
Homer, UCSD, “Identity
and the Internet: The Technological Self in Student Writing”
10.30 : Session
II : Twittering Pedagogies
Carl Whithaus, UC, Davis, “A
Case Study in the Emergence of Text Tools and Genres”
Anthony Warnke, Western Washington University,
Blog, Therefore We Are: Locating the Ethical in Intersubjective
Netroots Activism”
Andrew Klobucar, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
Digital Workbench: New Writing Software for Digital Humanities and
Creative Media Practices Programmes”
12.00 : Keynote
Speaker : Tara McPherson, University of
Southern California, "Animating the Archive: Emerging Modes
of Scholarship"*
Part I
| Blue
Velvet by David Theo Goldberg and Stefka Hristova | Part
II | Public
Secrets by Sharon Daniels and Eric Loyer | Part
*audio files are followed by links to the discussed works from the
USC School of Cinema and Television Vectors
Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular
1.30 :
Session III : The Visible Word
Patrick “Pato” Hebert, “Drawn
Out: Toward a Strategic Aesthetics of Handwritten Utterances in
the Digital Era”
: Session IV : Questions of Authorship
Dimitri Giannakis, “EndOfThisWorld
– An Online Collaborative Novel in 25 Chapters”
Eric Martinez and Matt Herlihy,
VSA Partners, Inc., “Public
(Mis-)Trust and the Evolution of the Corporate Author”
4.30 - 6.00
pm: Exhibits
@ the Visual Resource Collection, 85 Humanities Instructional
6:00 pm –
7:00 pm: Reception at the Beall
Center for Art + Technology
Future of Writing: Day Two
Friday, November 7, 2008
8.30 :
Session V : Video/Writing
Joseph Squier,
University of Illinois, “Writing with Video”
Elizabeth Losh, UCI, “TV
for One: Teaching Writing in the Age of YouTube”
Juhasz, Pitzer College, “Learning
from and Teaching on YouTube” [follwed by a YouTube video
presentation at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGsi5na0JZI]
10.15 : Session
VI : Educational Intelligences in the Digital Realm
Mark Warschauer, UCI, “Automated
Assessment in the Writing Classroom”
Yen-Lin Chou, UCI, "Facebook:
Immigrant students’ semiotic production and identity representation
in the digital sphere"
11.15 : Session
VII : The Art of Draftsmanship
“Digital Technology and Writing Instruction in UCSD’s
Culture, Art, and Technology Program
Darrin McGraw, Linda Strauss,
Lisa Kaczmarczyk, and Tara Knight,
: Keynote Speaker : Lester Faigley,
University of Texas at Austin, "Considering
the Possibility of Writing 2.0"
2.00 : Session
VIII : Digital Performances
Antoinette LaFarge,
UCI, and Robert Allen, “Reconstructing
the Rapture: Improvisational Techniques for Generating and Working
with Performance Texts”
3.45 : Session
IX : Critical Thinking Gone Digital
Patricia Hartz and Susan Morse,
UCI, “Cognition
and Media Convergence: Implications and Applications for Critical
Thinking and Writing”
Leigh Harris, UCLA, “Teaching and Learning
in a 3D Virtual World”
Gina Victoria Shaffer, UCLA, “Reading
Habits and Writing Practices in an Electronic Habitat”
For more information
or to make corrections, please contact Jonathan Alexander at jfalexan@uci.edu
or by phone @ 949-824-7397. |