Quarterly Approved Courses
Korean Literature and Culture
Legend: Course Instructor Title EAS 160 (1) Scruggs, B. Taiwan Screen EAS 190 Scruggs, B. Chinese Frontiers Chinese 100A (1) Rao, X. Classical Chinese Japanse 104A (1) Long, M. 4th Year Japanese EAS 140 (2) Kim, K. Korean Popular Culture EAS 155 (2) Suh, S. Cultures of Colonialism EAS 150 (2) Suh, S. Sounds of Korea History 173G GHANBARPOUR, C. KOREA SINCE 1945
[1] "Another Course" Requirement
[2] Korea Course
Course Instructor Title EAS 190 Pitt, J. Botanical East Asia Art His 150 (2) Jung, G. Everyday Korea EAS 130 (2) Staff ETHICS, INTERNET,KR EAS 110 (1) Hu Ying Lu Xun Chinese 115 (1) Huang, M. Honglou meng Chinese 100B (1) Rao, X. Classical Chinese EAS 120 (1) Pitt, J. Narrating Nature in Japan EAS 155 (1) Staff Gender & PreMod Japan EAS 155 (2) Staff Premodern Korea EAS 150 (1) Rao, X. MEDIEVAL CHN HUMOR EAS 15K (1) Staff No More Heroes: Modern Korea through Film (Korea on Screen) EAS 126 (1) Riggs, H. Japanese Socioling (same as 65475 LSCI 169, Lec B) Anthro 129 (2) Kim, E. Transnational Korea History 183 (1, 2) BROADBENT, P GERMANY & ASIA (same as 23042 EAS 155, Lec C; 25741 German 150, Lec B; and 26111 GlblClt 103A, Lec B) EAS 155 (1, 2) BROADBENT, P GERMANY & ASIA (same as 25741 German 150, Lec B; 26111 GlblClt 103A, Lec B; and 26915 History 183, Lec B)
[1] "Another Course" Requirement
[2] Korea Course
Course Instructor Title EAS 160 (1) Scruggs, B. China on Screen EAS 123 (1) Riggs, H. STRUCT OF JAPANESE EAS 155 (1) Scruggs, B. Postcolonial Taiwan EAS 110 (1) Huang, M. Gender and Modern Chinese Literature EAS 170 (1) Huang, M. Chinese Masculinities EAS 126 (1, 2) Fonseca, M. K-pop and Linguistics EAS 155 (1) Long, M. Art & Actvsm JPN Film EAS 170 (1) Long, M. Japanese Feminism and the Love Novel EAS 55 (2) Choi, C. Women's Cinema of Korea EAS 130 (2) Choi, C. Korean Society and Culture EAS 140 (2) Suh, S. Sacrifice in Modern Korean Literature and Culture EAS 190 Suh, S. Task of the Translator EAS 116 (1, 2) Kim, S. Asian Buddhist Art EAS 116 (1) Mezur, K. JPN PreMod Wildlife EAS 160 (1) Mezur, K. JPN Military Cultures
[1] "Another Course" Requirement
[2] Korea Course